Main Office IT Devices Use

How to use SMART Board in the Training Room
Training Room has Key board that works with the SMART Board. Turn on the Key board by pressing top right corner button if you are using it. Turn on th...
Fri, 20 Nov, 2020 1:38 PM
How to use SMART TV in the Board Room
Board Room has Key board that works with the SMART TV. Turn on the Key board by pressing right top corner button. There is remote for SMART TV on the ...
Fri, 20 Nov, 2020 1:41 PM
How to clean the screen of SMART Board & TV
You will need two lint free, non-abrasive cloths for this procedure.  Turn off any connected computers. Turn the display off.  Wipe all surfaces wit...
Fri, 20 Nov, 2020 1:47 PM
Schedule for NAS Phone/Tablet update
  First Update Second Update Third Update Fourth Update Leadership Jan    Apr  July  Oct  Front line Staff Feb    May ...
Mon, 30 Nov, 2020 3:27 PM